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SD Times news digest: .NET Core 2.1 to end support August 21, 2021, Intel joins the DARPA DPRIVE program, and GrammaTech and GitLab team up on SAST

Microsoft announced that .NET Core 2.1 will reach end of support on August 21st, 2021, after which there will be no more updates and security fixes.

The .NET Core cross platform and Mobile development workloads won’t be changed and the .NET Core 2.1 component remains as required because these workloads can’t be used without .NET Core 2.1.

Microsoft strongly recommends for users to migrate their application to the new supported version, .NET 3.1 or later.

Intel and Microsoft on DARPA DPRIVE program
Intel signed an agreement with the Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) to perform in its Data Protection in Virtual Environments (DPRIVE) program.

The project aims to develop and accelerator for fully-homomorphic encryption which enables users to compute on always-encrypted data, or cryptograms.

As part of the program, Intel plans to design an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) accelerator to reduce the performance overhead currently associated with fully homomorphic encryption which would deliver massive improvements in executing FHE workloads over existing CPU-driven systems.

GrammaTech and GitLab team up on SAST
The GrammaTech CodeSonar Static Application Security Testing (SAST) product is now integrated with GitLab’s Ultimate DevSecOps platform allowing customers to implement code analysis early and directly within CI/CD pipelines.

“Through this strategic partnership and integration, GrammaTech CodeSonar and its unique static application security testing capabilities are now natively available to development teams from within the GitLab CI/CD pipeline,” said Vince Arneja, chief product officer at GrammaTech. “This enables security to move seamlessly from testing into development workflows, allowing enterprises to transform secure coding and accelerate software delivery.”

Apache weekly updates
Last week, Apache saw the release of Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ 0.9.0, Apache CloudStack LTS, Apache Teaclave (incubating) 0.2.0 and SkyWalking Nginx LUA 0.4.0.

Also, last week saw two issues that Apache fixed: Apache Tomcat CVE-2021-25122 which had a h2c request mix-u and CVE-2021-25329, which involved RCE via session persistence.

Apache Daffodil, the open-source implementation of the Data Format Description Language 1.0 reached Top-Level Project status.

Additional details on all of the news from Apache last week are available here.

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