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SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Qiskit

Qiskit is an open-source framework for creating and running programs on quantum computers. The project was launched by IBM four years ago as an effort to introduce more programmers to quantum computing. 

Since then, IBM has updated the SDK to better meet users’ needs and have provided pulse-level control to help programmers understand and work with qubits. Additionally, the company recently added the Qiskit Optimization model, which enables programmers to focus more on programs and less on how quantum systems work. 

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IBM recently announced plans to evolve the Qiskit and provide a runtime environment that better reflects the developer community needs. 

Plans include:

  • Rearranging Qiskit’s original elements (Terra, Aer, Ignis and Aqua) into more-focused application models
  • Migrating building blocks for algorithms into Qiskit’s core
  • Replacing Aqua with Qiskit Nature, Finance, Optimization and Machine Learning modules
  • Ignis to become Qiskit Experiences

“These changes, and those to come, all work toward creating frictionless programming on our quantum computers. That makes it easier for programmers to find what they’re looking for and creates a lower barrier to entry for scientists, financial analysts and other domain expert non-programmers who care more about leveraging the power of quantum computing to solve specific problems than they do about quantum circuits or qubit coherence,” the IBM Quantum team wrote in a post

IBM also recently announced a Quantum Developer Certification program to help provide developers with quantum computing skills. 

The post SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Qiskit appeared first on SD Times.

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