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Podcast: The importance of buildpacks in developing cloud native applications

Buildpacks help ease the burden on developers by taking source code and turning it into fully functional apps.

To learn more about this technology, we interviewed Ram Iyengar, chief evangelist of the Cloud Foundry Foundation, on the most recent episode of our podcast, What the Dev?

Here is an edited and abridged version of that conversation:

How do buildpacks — and the Paketo Buildpacks in particular — help developers deploy cloud native applications?

I think buildpacks have been very important in making a lot of applications get pushed to production and get containerized without having to deal with a lot of overhead that usually comes with the process of containerization. What can I say that we haven’t said already in the webinar and in the article and things like that? Well, there’s a community angle to this. Buildpacks is somewhat headed towards graduation within the CNCF, and we expect that it will graduate in the next six to 12 months. If there’s any show of support that you can do as a community, I highly welcome people giving it a star, opening important issues, trying the project out, and seeing how you can consume it, and giving us feedback about how the project can be improved.

One thing that I wanted to get into a little bit is Korifi, which is your platform for creating and deploying Kubernetes applications. Can you talk a little bit about Korifi and how it ties in with buildpacks?

Absolutely, one of the main areas where we see a lot of buildpacks being consumed is when people are getting into the job of building platforms on Kubernetes. Now, any sort of talk you see about Kubernetes these days, whether it’s at KubeCon or one of the other events, is it’s extremely complex, and it’s been said so many times over and over again, there’s memes, there’s opinion pieces, there’s all kinds of internet subculture about how complex Kubernetes can be. 

The consequence of this complexity is that some teams and companies have started to come up with a platform where they say you want to make use of Kubernetes? Well, install another substrate over Kubernetes and abstract a lot of the Kubernetes internals from interacting with your developers. So that resonates perfectly with what the Cloud Foundry messaging has been all these years. People want a first-class, self-service, multi-tenant experience over VMs, and they want that same kind of experience on Kubernetes today for somewhat slightly different reasons, but the ultimate aim being that developers need to be able to get to that velocity that they’re most optimal at. They need to be able to build fast and deploy faster and keep pushing applications out into production while folding down a lot of the other areas of importance, like, how do we scale this, and how do we maintain load balances on this? How do we configure networking and ingress?

All of these things should fall down into a platform. And so Korifi is what has emerged from the community for actually implementing that kind of behavior, and buildpacks fits perfectly well into this world. So by using buildpacks — and I think Korifi is like the numero uno consumer of buildpacks — they’ve actually built an experience to be able to deploy applications onto Kubernetes, irrespective of the language and family, and taking advantage of all of those buildpacks features.

I’m hearing a lot of conversation about the Cloud Foundry Foundation in general, that it’s kind of old, and perhaps Kubernetes is looking to displace what you guys are doing. So how would you respond to that? And what is the Cloud Foundry Foundation offering in the Kubernetes world? 

It’s a two part or a two pronged answer that I have. On the one hand, there is the technology side of things. On the other, there’s a community and a human angle to things. Engineers want new tools and new things and new infrastructure and new kinds and ways to work. And so what has happened in the larger technology community is that a sufficiently adequate technology like Cloud Foundry suddenly found itself being relegated to as legacy technology and the old way to do things and not modern enough in some cases. That’s the human angle to it. So when people started to look at Kubernetes, when the entire software development community learned of Kubernetes, what they did was to somehow pick up on this new trend, and they wanted to sort of ride the hype train, so to say. And Kubernetes started to occupy a lot of the mind space, and now, as Gartner puts it quite well, you’re past that elevated expectations phase. And you’re now getting into productivity, and the entire community is yearning for a way to consume Kubernetes minus the complexity. And they want a very convenient way in which to deploy applications on Kubernetes while not worrying about networking and load balancing and auto scalars and all of these other peripheral things that you have to attach to an application.

I think it’s not really about developers just wanting new things. I think they want better tools and more efficient ways of doing their jobs, which frees them up to do more of the innovation that they like and not get bogged down with all of those infrastructure issues and things that that you know now can be taken care of. So I think what you’re saying is very important in terms of positioning Cloud Foundry as being useful and helpful for developers in terms of gaining efficiency and being able to work the way they want to work.

Well, yes, I agree in principle, which is why I’m saying Cloud Foundry and some others like Heroku, they all perfected this experience of here’s what a developer’s workflow should be. Now, developers are happy to adopt new ways to work, but the problem is, when you’re on the path to gain that kind of efficiency and velocity, you often unintentionally build a lot of opinionated workflows around yourself. So, all developers will have a very specific way in which they’ll actually create deployments and create these immutable artifacts, and they’re going to build themselves a fort from where they’d like to be kings of the castle, lord of the manor, but it’s really assailing a lot of the mental image and any apprehensions that come from deviating from that mental image. And at the moment, Kubernetes seems to offer one of the best ways to build and package and deploy an app, given that it can accomplish so many different things. 

Now, if you take a point by point comparison between what Cloud Foundry was capable of in, let’s say, 2017 versus what Kubernetes is capable of right now, it will be almost the same. So in terms of feature parity, we are now at a point, and this might be very controversial to say on a public podcast, but in terms of feature parity, Cloud Foundry has always offered the kind of features that are available in the Kubernetes community right now. 

Now, of course, Kubernetes imagines applications to be built and and deployed in a slightly different way, but in terms of getting everything into containers and shipping into a container orchestrator and providing the kind of reliability that applications need, and allowing sidecars and services and multi-tenancy. 

I strongly believe that the Cloud Foundry offering was quite compelling even four or five years ago, while Kubernetes is still sort of navigating some fairly choppy waters in terms of multi-tenancy and services and things like that. But hey, as a community, they’re doing wonderful innovation. And yeah, I agree with you when I say engineers are always after the best way in which to, you know, gain that efficiency.

The post Podcast: The importance of buildpacks in developing cloud native applications appeared first on SD Times.

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